how to revitalize a dental hygiene career
how to revitalize a dental hygiene career

Boost your confidence 

EXPAND your career options
  • Feel better prepared to educate your patients, loved ones, and the medical community on oral systemic health
  • Prevent issues by understanding early warning signs
  • Feel more confident working collaboratively
  • Apply the knowledge chairside in a clinical setting
  • Increase your production through education, not selling
  • Own your career & make it what you want it to be instead of just working a job & suffering burnout
  • Educate your local multidisciplinary teams & community health clinics
  • Create new public health programs in your community
  • Create your own position on an integrated care team
  • Boost your resume so you stand out when that dream job posts
  • Start your own speaking or consulting business
  • Help your dental office become an integrated oral medicine office 
  • Practice true Patient Centered Care
  • All while learning to take REALLY good care of yourself so that health issues do not stand in your way of your next level career
AGD PACE CE credits

The 1st ANSI Accredited Certificate Program in Dental Hygiene in the World

"It took two years for ANAB to comb through the evidence we submitted, allowing time for refinement of content that did not meet the ASTM E2659-18 standard. The ethics and sustainability of our organization and leadership, as well as all major components of the individual Oral Systemic Educator program itself, were thoroughly examined; achieving a mark of quality assurance and excellence that traditional dental CE does not offer. We have raised the bar on career transition education in dental hygiene, and we are just getting started!"

Jamie Dooley, BIS, RDH - Director of Certificate Programs


oral systemic educator ose certificate program student reviews

4.78 out of 5 Stars for Overall Student Satisfaction! 

"This is the information I've been craving my whole career! Going back to school wasn't an option for me. I needed something less expensive and more flexible. With this course I no longer feel like I need a new degree to do what I want to do. Thank you!"

Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Program™


Version 2.0 

The instructors are subject matter experts and award winners in both the field of dental hygiene and their specialty. They have been handpicked by our Board of Directors and Education Committee for their dedication to oral systemic health, their expertise and experience in their specialty, and their commitment to collaborative care.

> Click the arrow to the right of the drop down box to view their bio, course description, and objectives



To earn a certificate & credential, enrollees must:

  1. Possess a valid dental hygiene license
  2. Complete the entire program
  3. Pass the final assessment 
  4. Complete a Capstone Presentation 


One of the requisites of receiving a certificate of completion and credential CH-OSE is completing a Capstone Presentation to apply the knowledge you gained and begin bridging the medical / dental divide in your local community. To hold the title of Certificate Holder in Oral Systemic Education you must:

Develop and present an Oral Systemic Education Course to (non-dental) healthcare providers in a chosen focus of study (can be general or specialized).

Optional: Complete an internship for Practicum Level Educator


Frequently Asked Questions

Can this program help you inside a clinical setting too? 100% YES.


"A few years ago I was completely burnt out, uninspired and honestly wondering if I still belonged in the dental field. I lost that spark that once brought me to hygiene and I didn't know how to get it back. The Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Program TM helped me connect oral health to systemic health in ways I never thought possible. For the first time in a long time, I felt like my job really mattered and now I love my career again. My patients are healthier, I am more confident in the care that I give and I finally feel like I am making a real impact as a clinical hygienist. I tripled my income because I no longer have to sell, I just educate. It pulled me out of burnout and gave me purpose again. I got that spark back. If you are on the fence, I promise it can do the same for you."

Patricia Mooradian, BSDH, RDH, CH-OSE


Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Certification Review
Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Certification Review
Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Certification Review
Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Certification Review
Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Certification Review
Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Certification Review

Do Hygienists Work in Healthcare? YES.







"There is a sense of gratitude among nurses and doctors for the expertise that I bring to the hospital. For many of these providers, their education only touched briefly upon the oral cavity, and they rely heavily on an otolaryngologist for help with conditions of the mouth. Now that my role exists, I help these providers navigate and educate patients on oral conditions. I work very closely with medical residents to educate them on performing assessments and how to classify a patient’s oral status. These residents will take that education with them to other hospitals and hopefully provide better overall care for their future patients."


Thanks to a generous grant from Delta Dental Foundation of Michigan, Indiana & Ohio, 13 full scholarships were awarded to public health hygienists in those states.